Monday, January 3, 2011

interesting quote

From a Discovery Channel show about naturists, a guy was talking about swimsuits, and said that they do more to emphasize certain body parts than to conceal them.

It's the hiding of something that gives it enticement and mystery (think about Christmas presents).


The dumb devil is a devious little cuss.

Because of him, the mainstream media sexualizes nudity.

And since most people get most of their ideas of life from the mainstream media, most people erroneously associate sex with nudity.

Since day one, the devil has been attacking the innocence of the human form.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

still some work to do

I've been scanning through some beautiful old photos, from, and I realize that I'm not exactly where I want to be.

What I meant to say is that I still have a while before the old habits from decades of brainwashing are removed.  I still have an unconscious tendency to glance at certain body parts more than others, when I want to be able to see the whole body as one, without regard to gender or age, in the context of what the person is doing in the photo.  It's still not quite the same as looking at, say, cars or buildings or animals.

Decades of incorrect dogma create a Pavlovian response which can be indomitable at first.  However, with more thought, more prayer, and more vigilance (so that the dumb devil doesn't snag me into places I shouldn't be), I will eventually get to the point where the human body is neutral both consciously and subconsciously.  That pesky subconscious mind can be a stubborn old coot sometimes.

As for places I don't belong...

Nothing sexual, and nothing mischievous.  That's the rule.  And the adversary knows that's my rule.  So I need to exercise a non-negligible amount of restraint and a significant amount of attentiveness to make sure I steer clear of his verminous ilk on the interwebs.

Saturday, January 1, 2011



1 - Nothing sexual.

2 - Nothing exhibitionist.

3 - Art does not equal innocence.

4 - Don't hide anything from your spouse.



my name is [redacted] and I'm a closet nudist.

here's where you all yell, "hi, [redacted]," in a warm and inviting manner.

I want to live fully as a nudist/naturist/naturalist/whateverist (indoors and outdoors), but the following parties do not or would not agree with such a lifestyle:
- my immediate family
- my extended family
- my wife
- my employer
- my neighbors
- my fellow church-goers
- my "friends" on Facebook
- and, most importantly, the military (not my "employer" from above)

that covers just about everyone.

I was raised an overly-concerned prude, and it's something I can't escape now, not without alienating a lot of people I care about (and losing my jobs).

to put it succinctly, modesty is only relevant to people who view the bare human body as purely sexualized. I don't see it that way. granted, there are sexually-oriented functions for certain body parts. but I don't get a rise out of non-sexual nudity. and since modesty is only relevant for people of prurient thoughts, it can become irrelevant... if you decide to be innocent about it. but, like I said, I was raised with the idea that nudity is sin, period, so defeating that kind of decades-long indoctrination is, for me, a ground-breaking (and potentially controversial, and likely destructive) path.

so, secretly, I long to chill on a nude beach.

I secretly long to hike with nothing but socks, boots, and a gun*. or go skinny-dipping. or spend an entire camping trip exposing my entire body to mosquitos.

heck, I'd love to try social nudity, but I'll cross that bridge when I've gotten used to the individual activities (remember, I'm reprogramming decades of brainwashing, it takes time).

and I secretly long to have my own family (wife and children) be perfectly fine with it all.

we'll see what the next five or ten years brings.

*don't argue, you still need some sort of protection in the wild areas near where I live